Peninsula Visa Consultancy

Johor Bahru Professional Maid Agency & Foreign Worker Supply & Work Permit Agent

RTK (Recalibration Programme)

Transform Your Worker to Legal Workers

With Malaysia KSM (Ministry of Human Resouce) Approval

RTK (Recalibration Programme), also known as “Rekalibrasi Tenaga Kerja”, is a foreign worker transform program that been re-launched by the Malaysia Government since 27th January 2023. The recalibration programme purposely is to enable the Malaysia Government to identify and monitor the current number of illegal foreign workers in Malaysia and to fulfill the current needs of foreign workers vacancies in the permitted business sector, the recalibration programme is opened to all foreign workers recruitment under the permitted sectors .

In facts, the recalibration programme had provide an opportunity to the existing illegal foreign workers who working in Malaysia to be transformed to a legal workers, with the issuing of the valid working permit.

What is the Permitted Sector for RTK?

According to the reference from Immigration Department of Malaysia, there are 8 main sectors + sub-sectors that are eligible for applying RTK.

The Permitted Sectors are as shown below:
  • Manufacturing
  • Construction
  • Mining and Quarrying
  • Safety and Security
  • Service
  • Agriculturing
  • Plantation
  • Foreign Domestic Helper (New Added Sectors)

Participants Requirements for RTK

The eligibility requirements for RTK are as shown below:
  • Have a VALID employer.
  • Not being blacklisted or be on suspicion list.
  • Travel Document from the origin country which is valid for at least 18 months.
  •  Foreign workers must undergo medical examination and certified fit by the clinic/ medical centre registered with FOMEMA ( Foreign Worker’s Health Screening System in Malaysia)
  • The participants had registered for Rehiring Programme and 6P Programme (Pendaftaran, Pemutihan, Pengampunan, Pemantauan, Penguatkuasaan, Pengusiran)

Wish to know more about the Recalibration Programme?

Not sure your workers have reach the requirements or not? Don’t worry, Grand Peninsula also provide the professional consultant service to clear up your doubts and to settle your facing problems, reach us now today to get your problems solved quickly.

Still having question on the Recalibration Programme?

Contact us now to get a helping hand!

We provide an easier and faster solution for your Visas applications. Leave it all to us with a peace of mind.



We supply suitable working candidates (workers / labor / maid) for you



We work on the workers application and documentation procedures for you



Follow up your case time to time, and always ready to consult for further case.

Contact us now to get a helping hand!

We provide an easier and faster solution for your Visas applications. Leave it all to us with a peace of mind.



We supply suitable working candidates (workers / labor / maid) for you



We work on the workers application and documentation procedures for you



Follow up your case time to time, and always ready to consult for further case.