Peninsula Visa Consultancy

Johor Bahru Professional Maid Agency & Foreign Worker Supply & Work Permit Agent

Malaysia Maid Permit

Malaysia Maid Permit
Application and Renewal

A Malaysia Maid Permit is a compulsory permit to allow a maid which also known as a Foreign Domestic Helper (FDH) start working in Malaysia. In this case, Peninsula Visa Malaysia provide an one-stop solution to help to settle down all your maid permit application and renewal problem. Worry no for all those complicated and trivial procedures, we are here to provide an alternative way to help you solve your matter!

Malaysia miad permit application and renewal consultancy agent

Eligible condition for Working as a FDH (Maid)

  • Female
  • Confirmed fit by an appointed medical centre
  • Reside in the country of origin
  • Enter Malaysia via the Visa With Reference (VDR) issued by the Malaysian representative office in the country of origin
  • Certified PASS for IMMIGRATION SECURITY CLEARANCE (ISC) at the source country. List Of ISC Centres
  • Be not less than 21 years old and not more than 45 years old

Requirements for a FDH Employer

  • Employer have not been declared bankrupt.
  • The employer and his spouse should have:
    • Children under 15 years of age OR
    • Parents who are sick/ill.
  • The employer must earn an income, and each family is eligible to apply for one (1) FDH
  • Employers who are Muslims are allowed to hire only Muslim Foreign Domestic Helpers.

*To apply for a second FDH, the employer must:

  • Have a valid reason
  • Have income under the conditions stipulated by the Immigration Department of Malaysia.

Still having question on applying or renewing your Maid Permit?

Contact us now to get a helping hand!

We provide an easier and faster solution for your Visas applications. Leave it all to us with a peace of mind.



We supply suitable working candidates (workers / labor / maid) for you



We work on the workers application and documentation procedures for you



Follow up your case time to time, and always ready to consult for further case.

Contact us now to get a helping hand!

We provide an easier and faster solution for your Visas applications. Leave it all to us with a peace of mind.



We supply suitable working candidates (workers / labor / maid) for you



We work on the workers application and documentation procedures for you



Follow up your case time to time, and always ready to consult for further case.